Following on from the AGM held on 26th February, the Dereham Society will hold a meeting at Dereham library, at 7:30pm, on 26th March, to review how the Society could go forward. The Meeting is an open forum for anyone interested to come along and get involved in the future of the Town.
The Society has been dormant for the past three years but could provide a
starting point and vehicle for a new generation of people to help shape the
future of Dereham. The Society is aiming to increase Pride in Dereham across a
number of issues.
Aside from the role of helping to develop an NDP Dereham
Society is keen to help promote social events that create Pride in Dereham.
This could cover a wide range of events such as a Festival, Town Quiz or local
based musical shows. The present committee recognises the need for a flexible
less formal approach to developing new ideas to create Pride in Dereham and so
invites people to attend as the format and direction will be determined by
those who wish to become involved.
The intention is to form a Working Party at the end of the Meeting to look at how best Dereham Society can move forward to achieve the aim of providing a vehicle to promote pride in Dereham. This Working Party is to inform the Society’s membership, within 4-6 weeks, what the focus of the society for the next year will be.