Friday, February 22, 2013

2013 AGM

Dereham Society's 2013 AGM will be held on Wednesday 6th March, 7:30pm, at Dereham library.

The Society's committee is proposing changes to the society's constitution, to better reflect how the society currently operates.

For Review AGM 6th March 2013. Sections 3,4,6 & 7  Present in Red. Proposed in Blue
1. Name.                   
The name of the Society shall be The Dereham Society.

2. Objects.   
The Society is established for the public benefit for the following purposes in the area comprising the Parish of Dereham (including Toftwood) and Scarning which area shall hereinafter be referred to as “the area of benefit”.

                        (i)   To stimulate public interest in the area of benefit.
                        (ii)  To promote high standards of planning and architecture in the area of benefit.
(iii) To secure the preservation, protection, development and improvement of      features of historic or public interest in the area of benefit.

In furtherance of the said purposes but not otherwise, the Society, through the Executive Committee shall have the following powers:

(1)  To promote research into subjects directly connected with the objects of the            Society and to publish the results of any such research.

(2)  To act as a co-ordinating body and to co-operate with the local authority, planning committees, sanitary, drainage and all other local & statutory authorities, voluntary organisations, charities and persons having aims similar to those of the Society.

(3) To promote or assist in promoting activities of a charitable nature throughout the   area of benefit.

(4)  To publish papers, reports and other literature.

(5)  To make surveys and prepare maps and plans, to collect information in relation to   any place, erection or building of beauty or historic interest within the area of benefit.

(6)  To hold meetings, lectures and exhibitions.

(7)  To educate public opinion and to give advice and information.

(8)  To raise funds and invite and receive contributions from any person or persons whatsoever by way of subscription, donation and otherwise provided that the Society shall not undertake any permanent trading activities in raising funds for its primary purpose.

(9)  To take and accept any gifts of property, whether subject to any special trusts or not.

(10) To sell, let, mortgage, dispose of or turn to account all or any of the property or funds of the Society as shall be necessary.

(11) To borrow or raise money for the purposes of the Society on such terms and on such security as the Executive Committee shall think fit, but so that the liability of individual members of the Society shall in no case extend beyond the amount of their respective annual subscriptions.

(12) To do all such other things as are necessary for the attainment of the said purpose.
[Dereham Society Constitution (continued 1)]

3. Membership.
Membership shall be open to all who are interested in actively furthering the purposes of the Society.  No member shall have the power to vote at any meeting of the Society if his subscription is in arrears at the time.  Junior members shall be those aged less that 18 years at the time their subscription is due; and they shall not be entitled to vote at any meeting of the Society.  The subscriptions of a member joining the Society in the three months preceding January 1st in any year shall be regarded as covering membership for the Society’s commencing on January 1st following the date of joining the Society.
3. Membership.
Membership shall be open to all who are interested in actively furthering the purposes of the Society.  No member shall have the power to vote at any meeting of the Society if his subscription is in arrears at the time.  The subscriptions of a member joining the Society in the three months preceding The AGM in any year shall be regarded as covering membership for the Society’s commencing at the AGM following the date of joining the Society.

4. Subscriptions.
                        The annual subscription shall be divided into catagories as follows:-
                                    As at 2010 – announced at AGM February 2009)
                                    Life Membership                                          £10 X Annual subscription

Full Membership                                          £  9.00

Family Membership
(two people at same address)                    £12.00

Businesses/Organisations                         1½ times full membership £13.50

Junior Members                                           ½ full membership £4.50
(Under 18 years at 1st January)
or such reasonable sum as the Executive Committee shall determine from time to time, and shall be payable on or before January 1st each year.  Membership shall lapse if the subscription is unpaid three months after it is due.
4. Subscriptions. 2013-2014
                        The annual subscription shall be divided into catagories as follows:-
Full Membership                                          £  1.00

Family Membership
(two people at same address)                    £2.00

Businesses/Organisations                         £2.00

or such reasonable sum as the Executive Committee shall determine from time to time, and shall be payable after the AGM each year.  Membership shall lapse if the subscription is unpaid three months after it is due.

5. Meetings.             
An Annual General Meeting shall be held in or about February  of
each year to receive the Executive Committee’s report and audited accounts and to elect Officers and Members of the Committee.
The Committee shall decide when ordinary meetings of the Society shall be held and shall give at least 14 days notice of such meetings to all members.

Special General Meetings of the Society shall be held at the written request of members representing not less than 10% of the existing membership of the society and whose subscriptions are fully paid up. 25% of members personally present shall constitute a quorum for a Meeting of the Society.
6. Officers.               
Nominations for the election of Officers shall be made at least 14 days before the Annual General Meeting.  Such nominations shall be supported by a seconder and the consent of the proposed nominee must first have been obtained.  The election of Officers shall be completed prior to the election of further Committee members.  Nominees for the election as Officers or Committee members shall declare at the Annual General Meeting at which their election is to be considered.
The Officers of the Society shall consist of:
                        (Vice Chairman)
                        Honorary Secretary
                        Honorary Treasurer
all of whom shall relinquish their office every year and shall be eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting.  The Chairman shall not be entitled to retain his office for more than 2 consecutive years but shall be eligible for further election in due course.  A President and Vice Presidents may also be elected at a  General Meeting of the Society, for periods to be decided at such a meeting.  The Executive Committee shall have the power to fill casual vacancies occurring among the Officers of the Society.
6. Officers.               
The election of Officers shall be completed prior to the election of further Committee members at the Annual General Meeting.
The Officers of the Society shall consist of:
                        (Vice Chairman)
                        Honorary Secretary
                        Honorary Treasurer & Membership Secretary

all of whom shall relinquish their office every year and shall be eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting.  A President and Vice Presidents may also be elected at a  General Meeting of the Society, for periods to be decided at such a meeting.  The Executive Committee shall have the power to fill casual vacancies occurring among the Officers of the Society.

7. The Executive.
                        The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the management and administration of the Society.  The Executive Committee shall consist of Officers and not less than 4 and not more than 6 other members.  The Committee shall have power to co-opt further members (who shall attend in an advisory and non-voting capacity).  The Officers and members of the Committee shall normally be resident or work in the area of benefit. The President and Vice Presidents may attend any meeting of the Executive Committee but shall not vote at any meeting.  In the event of an equality in the votes cast, the Chairman shall have a second casting vote.  Nominations for election to the Executive Committee shall be made in writing at least 14 days before the Annual General Meeting.  They must be supported by a seconder and the consent of the proposed nominee must be obtained.  If the nominations exceed the number of vacancies, a ballot shall take place in such a manner as shall be determined.  Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of the Society, outgoing members may be re-elected.  The Executive Committee shall meet not less than 6 times a year at intervals of not more than 2 months and the Honorary Secretary shall give all members not less than 7 days notice of each meeting.  The quorum shall, as near as may be, comprise one third of the members of the Executive Committee.
7. The Executive.
                        The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the management and administration of the Society.  The Executive Committee shall consist of Officers and not more than 6 other members.  The Committee shall have power to co-opt further members.  The Officers and members of the Committee shall normally be resident or work in the area of benefit. The President and Vice Presidents may attend any meeting of the Executive Committee but shall not vote at any meeting.  In the event of an equality in the votes cast, the Chairman shall have a second casting vote Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of the Society, outgoing members may be re-elected.  The Executive Committee shall meet at regular intervals, determined by the activities of the Society, and at a minimum of every six months. The Honorary Secretary shall give all members not less than 7 days notice of each meeting.  The quorum shall, as near as may be, comprise one third of the members of the Executive Committee.

8. Sub-Committees.
                        The Executive Committee may constitute such sub-committees from time to time as shall be considered necessary for such purposes as shall be thought fit.  The Chairman of each sub-committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and all actions and proceedings of each sub-committee shall be reported to and be confirmed by the Executive Committee as soon as possible.  Members of the Executive Committee may be members of any sub-committee and membership of a sub-committee shall be no bar to membership of the Executive Committee.  Sub-committees shall be subordinate to and may be regulated or dissolved by the Executive Committee.

9. Declaration of Interest.
                        It shall be the duty of every Officer or member of the Executive Committee or Sub-committee who is in any way directly or indirectly interested financially or professionally in any item discussed at any Committee meeting at which he or she is present to declare such interest and he/she shall not discuss such item or vote thereon.

10. Expenses of Administration and Application of Funds.
                        The Executive Committee shall, out of the funds of the Society, pay all proper expenses of administration and management of the Society.  After the payment of the administration and management expenses and the setting aside to reserve of such funds as may be deemed expedient, the remaining funds of the Society shall be applied by the Executive Committee in the furtherance of the purposes of the Society.
[Dereham Society Constitution (continued 3)]

11. Investment.
                        All monies at any time belonging to the Society and not required for immediate application for its purposes shall be invested by the Executive Committee in or upon such investment securities or property as it may think fit, subject, nevertheless, to such authority, approval or consent  by the Charity Commission as may be for the time being required by law or by the special trusts affecting any property in the hands of the Executive Committee.

                        Any freehold and leasehold property acquired by the Society shall and if the Executive Committee so direct any other property belonging to the Society may be vested in trustees who shall deal with such property as the Executive Committee may from time to time direct.  Any trustees shall at least be 3 in number or a trust corporation.  The Power of the Appointment of new trustees shall be vested in the Executive Committee.  A trustee need not be a member of the society but no person whose membership lapses by virtue of paragraph 3 hereof shall thereafter be qualified to act as a trustee unless and until re-appointed as such by the Executive Committee.  The Honorary Secretary shall from time to time notify the trustees in writing of any such amendments in their duties as hereto and the trustees shall not be bound by any such amendments in their duties as trustees unless such notice has been given.  The Society shall be bound to indemnify the trustees in their duties (including the proper charge of a trustee being a trust corporation) and liability under such indemnity shall be a proper administrative expense.

13. Amendments.
                        This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of members present at any Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting of the society, providing that 28 days notice of the proposed amendment has been to all members, and provided that nothing herein contained shall authorise any amendment the effect of which would be to cause the society at any time to cease to be a charity in law.

14. Notices.
                        Any notice required to be given by these Rules shall be deemed to be duly given if sent by electronic mail, delivered by hand or prepaid post addressed to the address of that member last notified by the Secretary.

15. Winding Up.
            The Society may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority of members voting at the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting of the society confirmed by simple majority of members voting at a further Special General Meeting held not less than 14 days after the previous Meeting.  If a motion for the dissolution of the Society is to be proposed at an Annual General Meeting or Special general Meeting this motion shall be referred to specifically when notice of the Meeting is given.  In the event of the dissolution of the Society the available funds of the Society shall be transferred to such one or more charitable institutions having objects similar or reasonably similar to the herein before declared as shall be chosen by the Executive Committee and approved by the Meeting of the Society is confirmed.  On dissolution the minute books and other records of the Society shall be deposited with the Civic Trust.

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