Thursday, April 28, 2016

Report following the 2016 AGM

Dereham Society held its AGM on Thursday 17th March 2016.

It was felt that the year had been successful in that contributions had been made to work being undertaken on the need and development of a Neighbourhood Plan. Together with raising concerns about the size, and number of proposals, for housing development. A meeting had been held with George Freeman in relation to this.

The Town Quiz had been revived. Taking place in a different format which meant it was held on one evening. Some 20 teams were entered.

The Notice Board outside the Post Office has been replaced with the support of the Town Council.

Work on replacing the board in Nunns Walk is at an advanced stage of negotiation.

Disappointingly the wide Support shown at the 2015 AGM had not materialised. There being no increase in both membership or involvement.

It was not possible to fill the position of Officers for the Society and therefore there was no alternative but to call a Special General Meeting.

At the Special General Meeting of members, held on Thursday the 14th April 2016, it was not possible to elect  an Executive Committee.
  • No one was prepared to take the role of Chair.
  • It would have been possible to fill the positions of Secretary and Treasurer subject to there being a Chair.
  • The constitution requires the position of officers to be filled in order that an Executive Committee be formed.

It was therefore with regret that the motion was passed, by the required two- thirds majority, that the Society be dissolved.

The constitution requires a further SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING be held to ratify this decision.

It has been fixed for THURSDAY 12TH MAY 2016 7:30 p.m. DEREHAM LIBRARY.

This does leave open the possibility that the position of Officers can be filled, thus avoiding the dissolution.

If you are interested in helping and getting involved in the committee in any way, please contact Philip Morton; tel. 01362 696758; e-mail;  philbrig333 @

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